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At St Julian’s we ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is provided for our students, incorporating English, maths and science alongside foundation and vocational subjects with personal, social and ethical studies also being central to our provision. Whilst students in Key Stages 4 and 5 follow exam board specifications, students in Years 8 and 9 follow the National Curriculum and those in Year 7 have started the new Curriculum for Wales. 

St Julian’s School’s mission is: ‘A school for all, where everyone succeeds’. We believe that learning is an enjoyable, lifelong process through which everyone can achieve their potential and meet their expectations. We will challenge and support our students to do their very best by providing an extensive range of learning experiences and, as far as possible, personalising the curriculum for individual students. At the heart of the approach are our school values that drive all aspects of work. Our values are Respect; Inclusion; Collaboration; Ambition.