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Staff Professional Learning

We are committed to improving the quality of learning and teaching across the school. This means ensuring we provide high quality professional learning opportunities for all staff, so that individual, team and whole school development needs are addressed. Our aim is that our offer meets the expectations and vision set out by Welsh Government.

We define learning as the long-term retention of new knowledge and the ability to transfer it to new contexts.

To support this at St Julian’s we have a set of pedagogical principles that underpin learning and teaching. Learning will happen when these principles are present in lessons.


All staff are supported to develop via continued learning opportunities at individual, department and whole school levels, with all teaching staff working on their own area of enquiry and  development with the support of colleagues. This allows them to collaboratively develop their practice. We also have department run training sessions so that all teachers have a chance to explore our whole school foci from within the frame of their subject.