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Headteacher Communication

Tuesday 17 December 2024 

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had a really enjoyable and very busy first term. We are currently celebrating the achievements and progress made by students across the school, through rewards trips and celebration assemblies. It has been wonderful to recognise our students' efforts and accomplishments and we look forward to celebrating these as we move into the next term too.

Last Day of term
Friday is our traditional non uniform Christmas jumper day. Please be reminded that we will close the school to students a little earlier than normal this Friday (20th December). Students will be allowed to leave the school site between 13:45 and 14:00 depending on their year group. 

Uniform Reminder
As you will recall from a previous letter this term, the Governing Body has made the decision to introduce mandatory black tights if students choose to wear a skirt to school from Monday 6th January 2025. Students have been informed that tights need to be plain black and not have deliberate rips or holes. Tights will be reviewed again in the first half of the summer term.  We also politely ask parents and carers to ensure that students have all the correct uniform ready for January.  

Next Term
The spring term will be a shorter but nonetheless busy term. We return to school on a week 2 and here are some key dates in the next half term for your diary:

7th - 17th Jan: exams for some BTEC subjects                                30th Jan: Year 8 Progress Evening
7th - 24th Jan: Year 12 mock exams                                                   31st Jan: INSET day (school closed to students)
27th - 30th Jan: Year 11 GCSE Science practical exams                 4th Feb: KS4 Parental Revision Evening 


Before wishing our students and their families a well deserved rest and enjoyable holiday, we would like to take the opportunity to thank you all. We have had the privilege of leading the school for the first term and have thoroughly enjoyed working with the children, their families, our staff and  community. We very much appreciate your ongoing support and we look forward to continuing in post next term and working with you to support the development and progress of all students. 

Yours faithfully,

Mrs A Newton & Miss S Hook
Co-Acting Headteachers